Pascaline French Bistro & Patisserie
1021 Hahman Drive
Santa Rosa, CA 95405
Telephone: 707.823.3122
General email:
Effective: October 17. 2023
Your privacy is very important to us. We have prepared this privacy notice so that we can better communicate our online information practices and the choices you can make about the way your information is collected and used. This policy is linked from the footer of every page in our website to make it easy to find.
The Information We Collect
Aggregate Information
Our web server automatically collects aggregate information about the visitors to our website. Our server logs contain the IP address of the computer visiting, the date, the files requested, and the type of platform making the request. It also collects the referring information passed to the website by the previous website. This information is the basis for statistics that allow us to better serve our visitors and meet their needs. None of this information will identify neither an individual user nor any personal information such as their name or email address.
Like most websites, we may also place a small bit of code, called a cookie, on your computer to help us determine in aggregate how many return visitors we have to the website. If you create a user account with us, we may also use a cookie to allow you to avoid entering your username and password each time you visit the website. Lastly, we also use session cookies, which expire the moment you leave the website to identify an individual as they pass from page to page so that we can uderstand how visitors use our site.
Connected Third Parties
Our website uses at least one third-party analytics service such as Google Analytics and/or Facebook Pixel to provide website statistics to better understand our clients and provide feedback for our marketing efforts. When website visitors are logged into these services, they are providing a greater amount of information than when they are anonymous. The exact information collected is outside our control, but it generally includes general aggregate information such as audience behavior, interests, and geographical location as well as personal information such as name, age, and contact information.
Supplied Information
At various points on our website we may expressly ask you to supply us information in order to provide you a service or allow us to contact you in the future. This collection is always completely voluntary. Examples of this include but are not limited to: collecting billing, shipping, and payment information to make an online purchase, or name and email information to sign up for an online newsletter. Only through this supplied information can we identify an individual user of the website.